Saturday, August 27, 2016

Chapter 1: Project: Email, Search, and Evaluating Websites Assignment

Project:  Email
I explained to my Aunt Charlotte how to properly send e-mail using To:, CC:, BCC:, Reply, and Reply All.  My Aunt has been forwarding e-mail chain letters to all of the e-mail addresses in the “To:” field.  I will explain to you what you are doing, and how to prevent it in the future.  My Aunt’s e-mail address:  Charlotte@my.fam is in the "To: field, since I am sending the e-mail to you.  In this case, I am addressing the e-mail only to you, which is why my Aunt’s e-mail address is the only address in the “To:” field.  If you click on "Reply" in this e-mail, you will be replying to the sender.  In this case, you would be replying only to my e-mail address: (this is also the e-mail address that I am sending you this e-mail from!).  If you click on "Reply All" in this e-mail you will reply to the sender (which is me), and all e-mail addresses on the "CC:" field (which in this case is e-mail:  This means that e-mail: will receive an exact duplicate copy of the e-mail that I am sending you.  The “CC:” field is not the original intended and addressed recipient of the e-mail, but it alerts these recipients that others have received a duplicate copy of the e-mail.  When you use "CC:", it stands for "Carbon Copy", and it allows others to view the e-mail, although it is not addressed directly to them.  If you enter an e-mail address in the "CC:" field, it copies the e-mail to all e-mail address in that field.  If you enter an e-mail address in the "BCC:" field, it will send a “Blind Carbon Copy” of the e-mail to the e-mail addresses in this field.  Using "BCC:" allows you to send a duplicate copy of the e-mail to others without the "To:" and "CC:" recipients knowing that there are others that were included in the e-mail, and they also do not know specifically who the others are.  The “BCC:” recipients are never revealed to the other recipients.  This means that the e-mail address in the "BCC:" field will see an exact duplicate of the e-mail that I sent to the e-mail addresses in the "To:", and "CC:" fields.  When you “Reply All” to an e-mail, recipients in the "BCC:" fields do not receive a copy.  I asked my Aunt to let me know if she has any questions.

Project:  Search
I also did a Google Search with my first name and last name.  I then did a Google Advanced Search with my first name and last name.

Project:  Evaluating Websites
I evaluated the Website:, and provided feedback for the website.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Chapter 1: Blog Creation Assignment

Cloud Computing
I feel that Cloud Computing in Chapter 1 on Page #19 in the Textbook is the most interesting part of the chapter!  This is exciting because Cloud Computing has evolved over the past several years.  We always hear about Cloud Storage such as Apple iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.  These companies are primarily offering the “cloud” for picture and video storage.  There are several companies are taking the Cloud to the next level, by using Cloud Computing for on-demand software that is stored in a data center in the Cloud.  There are three (3) types of Cloud uses:
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (Paas)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

These Cloud services are highly scalable since a business can scale the resources up or down depending on their demand.  Examples of Cloud Computing services are Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM SmartCloud Enterprise, etc.  This is especially exciting since it allows businesses to subscribe to a service in a “pay as you go” model, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).  This new “pay as you go” model often dramatically reduces the cost of IT operations, since the software runs in the cloud, and it is easier and less expensive to maintain, since the company does not have to invest in Computer Servers and other IT resources.  I work for a business (I do not work in IT), that is deploying Virtual Machines running Microsoft Windows, and they have their own data center.  They say that this will reduce their IT expenses by up to 70%.  They also say that it will make it easier to update the software on all computers since it runs I the “cloud”, and it is easier to make sure that the software will run properly on all of the computers.  The main drawbacks are that if too many people are using the system at the same time, it may cause all of the computers to run slow.  If something happens to the system, it can cause problems with all of the computers.

Cloud Computing

Communicating on the Internet
I feel that taking classes on-line will have a positive impact on Colleges and Universities, as well as with students in the future.  Colleges and Universities will benefit because now anyone who has an Internet connection can attend classes, and peruse a college degree.  The Colleges and Universities can also help fill up majors that may typically have low student enrollment in their local city.  People will benefit from on-line Colleges and Universities because they can now peruse a college degree that was once impossible, because of other obligations such as work and family.  Students can also peruse a degree if they live in a rural area where a College and University may be very far away.  An on-line degree also allows students to peruse majors that may not be offered locally.  People can now peruse a college degree from almost any major College and University that offers on-line degrees.  Perusing an on-line degree at a College and University will help more people become better educated, so that they can obtain better paying jobs.

The internet has changed the way I work on school assignments, because it allows me to take on-line classes!  I work full-time, and I go to school to take classes towards my Computer Programming, and Information Technology Degrees.  The Internet has made going to school, and working full-time possible, since I can work on my school classes around my work schedule.  If anything changes at the last minute with my work schedule, I can easily adjust my on-line classes.  In a traditional classroom, I would have to see if I could get into a different class section, or drop the class and lose my money if my work schedule changed.